Salon Privee


The rules of the game in the world of hairdressing salons have changed


Competition increases more and more: differentiating and being unique in the eyes of potential customers is essential



Having an online presence has become essential, even more so having a quality one: social networks are your business card, anyone before coming to the salon inquires online about your reputation


The number of customers takes a back seat to their quality: a series of strategic steps (4 phases) allow you to mathematically increase the revenues of your salon


Generalist agencies dazzle salon owners with false promises, unaware of the very serious economic damage they cause them: not knowing in depth the dynamics of the field, they attract low-quality customers with discounts and free services

A team of experts for the success of your salon

Salon Privée employs great experts in the digital world (and not only) with verticalization in the world of salons: knowing the real dynamics of your world, we will send a message consistent with your brand positioning that attracts only the right target customer to you, which chooses you for your real value and not for the price.

Salon Privée’s 4-step method accompanies you from spreading your message in an authoritative way outwards to monetizing and building customer loyalty once they arrive inside the salon. 95% of the salons send the same message to the customer, passing on the concept of a classic and banal village salon.

The client has no real reason to consider going inside that salon. The result? Your real value is canceled. People only choose you for the price.

Do you want to be one of these too or are you ready to make a difference for your real value?


Raddoppia il fatturato del tuo salone in un anno

Discover the 4-Phases Method by Salon Privée

How many times has it happened to you to welcome a new customer into the salon and, at the end of the first appointment, not to see him again?

Not all customers are the same: in order to be considered profitable, a customer must be loyal in order to increase its value over time, through specific strategies.

This is just one of the 4 phases of the Salon Privée method, which spreads your authority to the outside in order to make you the only possible solution in the eyes of the potential client and which can allow you to double the turnover of your salon within a year.

Access the free lesson now to discover all the steps of the method.


Are your social networks spreading the right message?

Book Your free Check-Up Now!

Request a check-up consultation directly with our salon marketing experts: with an in-depth report, our experts will put you in front of the reality of the facts.

Are you conveying the right message through Instagram? And through Facebook? Are your social networks showing you on the outside as the industry authority?

Click on the button below, fill out the form and book your strategic check-up session now and find out how to become the most authoritative salon in the area.

Contact Us

Do you have any specific questions about what we can do together to make your salon become the authority in your area? Fill out the form below and one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible!


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